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Customized Trio

Mix and match any 3 products for $33 plus shipping!

Original Gold Sauce

Ingredients: organic distilled vinegar, habanero peppers, organic carrots, organic lime juice, organic onions, organic bell peppers, orange juice, unrefined sea salt, organic dijon mustard (organic distilled vinegar, water, organic mustard seed, sea salt, organic spices), organic garlic

Original Green Sauce

Ingredients: jalapenos, tomatillos, organic distilled vinegar, organic onions, organic lime juice, organic garlic, organic dijon mustard (organic grain vinegar, water, organic mustard seeds, salt, organic spices), unrefined sea salt

Original Red Sauce

Wing Sauce Recipe: 1/2 C Dandy Red Sauce 5 tablespoons cold butter, cubed 1/8 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce
Heat sauce over med high heat until boiling, remove from heat and slowly swirl in butter until combined.  Toss with wings and enjoy! Ingredients: red fresno peppers, organic distilled vinegar, organic lime juice, organic carrots, organic onions, organic orange juice, organic garlic, unrefined sea salt